Top 5 Wild Cats!

    Eurasian Lynx
    Snow Leopard
    Caspian Tiger
    Scottish Wildcat

Eurasian Lynx

The Eurasian Lynx is a type of cat that native to Northern Central and Eastern Europe to Central Asia. This cat lives in an temperate and boreal environment, meaning they prefer to live in more moderate weather where it isn't extreme.
The types of animals that it hunts consist of the following:
Red foxes
Young moose
As you can tell, the Lynx preys on a variety of animals from small to large size. However, this is just the diet in Europe.
Their diet in Asia differs just a bit. They prefer to prey on the European Hare

Snow Leopard

The Snow Leopard is native to the moutain areas of Central and South Asia. This type of cat inhabits alpine and subalpine zones, meaning they prefer the cold since they do have the word "snow" in their name.
The types of animals they prey upon consist of the following:
Himalayan blue sheep
Himalayan tahr
Wild Goat
Even when they mainly prey on the animals above, the Snow Leopard hunts smaller animals like the marmot, pika, and vole species.


The Black-Footed cat, also known as the smallest spotted cat in the world, is native to Nortern South Africa. This cat thrives in open, dry savannas and shrubland, meaning places that contain a variety of heights for grass and low bush covers. The type of animals the Black-Footed preys on are:
Small birds
Cape hare
Becuase of how small the Black-Footed cat is, it has to resort to smaller prey. Despite it's small figure, they hunt in three ways.
Fast hunt
Slow hunt
Sit and Wait hunt
Depending on which mode it choses to hunt, results on how fast they move. Fast speed is from 2 to 3 km/h, slow speed is from 0.5 to 0.8 km/h, and sit and wait only depends on motionlessly waiting in front of the prey's den and closes it's eyes until they hear movement; that's when they attack.

Caspian Tiger

The Caspian Tiger, is an extinct animal that left the world in 2003. Caspian Tiger was known to roam eastern Turkey, norterhn Iran, Mespotamia, Central Asia, amd northern Afghanistan. Before it went extinct, it inhabited sparse forest and riverine corridors. The types of prey the Caspian Tiger went for was:
Wild boar
Red deer
Roe deer
Dometic animals

Scottish Wildcat

The Scottish Wildcat can be found in Scotland (hence the name Scottish Wildcat). This type of cat tends to gravitate towards wooded, shrubland, and near forest edges. They also tend to prefer areas away from farms and areas where gorse is growing. The types of animals that the Scottish Wildcat preys on is: